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Tamara’s Secret to Power Networking

Build Business Relationships to Achieve Your Goals

Module Six

Power Networking – What to Say and How to Say It

Once you know who you want to connect with, where to find them and what you’re going to offer, you need to know what you’re going to say. To make power networking as effective as possible, you need to draft actual hypothetical conversations and practice them. This way, you’re going to go into your interactions fully prepared.

Write a Script

Imagine how a conversation might go with a prospect and actually write it out like a movie script. Of course, the real conversation isn’t going to follow your script, but this helps you prepare and brainstorm things you might need to say. You’ll get ideas for how to keep the conversation going, what questions to ask, and what to tell the prospect about yourself.

Questions, Questions

Along with your script, prepare questions to ask the people you meet. These questions serve two purposes. First, they give you a way to learn about the people you meet. Second, they keep the conversation going. People love to talk about themselves and your questions give the people you meet a wonderful opportunity to do so. They also shift the focus off of you.

Opening and Closing

Draft an opening and closing. The opening is where you approach prospects and introduce yourself with a short spiel about who you are and what you do. Try to also work in something positive about the other person, but only if you can make it natural.

The closing is equally important. Write a closing that ends the conversation on a high note. It should include you exchanging contact information (giving the prospect your card) and arranging to keep in touch or communicate at a specified later date, depending on the situation. If it’s possible to arrange a follow up at the end of your conversation, do it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Along with your script, prepare answers to common questions. Prepare stock responses that answer your prospects’ questions and also present key information about you and how you can help them. If you’re prepared, you won’t be taken off guard and all of your responses will be valuable in building a strong connection.

Practicing Your Conversation

After you’ve prepared your conversation and answers, practice with someone else. Role-play and imagine that they’re a new person. Get their feedback on how the interaction went. Ask them if they understood well what you have to offer. Do they think you seem needy or inauthentic? Is there anything you could say that would be more effective? Ask them for the overall impression they get from meeting you.

Saying the Right Things to the Right People

You have a basic script and some prepared questions for anyone you meet. But you should also research each networking function and the people who are going to be there. You should know about the people to whom you’re talking because it shows you’re interested and you did your homework. It also gives you an idea of what questions to prepare.

Perfecting Your Routine

Even after considerable preparation and practice, it may be awkward at first to make connections. This is only natural. As you go out and meet more people, you’ll get into a flow and it will become second nature.



Draft a hypothetical conversation script.

  1. Create a personal FAQ with answers to stock questions.
  2. Prepare your own questions to ask, an opening and a closing.
  3. Practice with a partner to get feedback.
A Word

From Tamara

As an entrepreneur myself I completely understand the stress, anxiety and frustration around launching or growing a business.  I also know the rewards and life style change the hard work can provide you if you stay focused.  I am here to inspire and motivate you to push forward.  The fact that you’re investing in your business education let’s me know you’re in this to win. Rest assured I’m here to help you…. These courses are set up to help you understand the basics.  To dig deeper into your specific plan of action we will discuss where you are, where you want to be, eliminate any blocks preventing you from getting to the next step and create an action plan. 

- Tamara Paul

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