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Eliminate Business Stress

Prevent Stress and Eliminate Burnout

Module Two: Lesson 3

Reduce Your To-Do List

Simplify Your List

I once had a lady tell me to go through my to do list and spread the items out to not have more than 1-2 things to do each day.  The reason for this project is because each day will create a list of it’s own and if you’ve already filled in the day, it’s overwhelming to add more to what’s there.  This was life-saving advice. 

How would you feel if you had total clarity about what you needed to focus on? If you knew that you were able to get everything done without stress? You’d undoubtedly feel lighter, more settled, and motivated to achieve more. 

Look again at your business to-do list and see if you can simplify it further.

You may have noticed that there are tasks on your list that never get done, or tasks that have a consistently low priority.

There are a number of possible reasons for this:

  • They could be tasks that can be eliminated altogether because they no longer make sense. They might have seemed suitable at one stage but don’t suit your business anymore.
  • Perhaps you have too many clients and can’t service them all as you would like because your offers are too time-consuming.
  • Maybe you have too many products and can’t keep up with their progress or have time to create new ones.
  • You might have projects that aren’t getting you to your desired goals. If they aren’t then they definitely need to be deleted.


These types of tasks are the ones that can really sap your energy. They affect your psychic RAM and take up precious brain space.

Make a decision about tasks you can cut from your list. Ask yourself, “Does it really need to be done?” If the answer is no, then delete it.

Plan to Delegate or Outsource

You may have tasks on your list that really do need to be done, but aren’t.
There could be a variety of reasons for this, not just that you don’t have the time.

For example:

  • You don’t have the expertise or skills
  • Someone else can do it faster
  • It isn’t a strategic task, so someone else can do it
  • You know how to do it well but your time is better spent elsewhere.


If any of these resonate with you, then you need to delegate or outsource your tasks.

Don’t get stressed by the idea of outsourcing. You can still retain the overall control of the project and you’ll find the investment will be worth it. It will save you time and advance your goals.

Look at the tasks and actions on your business master list and mark the ones that can be outsourced or delegated.

If you already have a team that helps you, see if any member has the time to take on more work and delegate the task to them. If you have a virtual assistant who works on general admin tasks, ask if they have the necessary skills.

If you have no one to delegate to, then you can outsource. If these are straightforward business tasks, then you shouldn’t have any difficulty finding someone suitable to take the job on. If it’s something highly specialized then you’d be surprised at the number of specialists you can find for hire online.

Use a platform like Fiverr, Upwork, or Freelancer to find a person with the skills you need.

Don’t forget your other to-do lists for home and family. There may be tasks on those lists that you can outsource to release time or energy so you can focus on your business. For example, house maintenance, cleaning, food delivery, and so on.

Hiring a virtual assistant is how I started my business.  The key to success is finding a VA who’s talented and understands the vision and direction.

Finish Quick-To-Do Outstanding Tasks

All unfinished tasks take up mental energy. A part of your brain is still working away trying to complete the task, whether you are conscious of it or not.

You can’t afford this when you need all your brain power to be your most productive self. These tasks could be on your home or family lists that you’ve been putting off while trying to focus on your business. When you’re working on a project, you want to concentrate and not be distracted with thoughts of, “Did I get that done?” or “Do I need to that?” or “Do I need to check up on this?” 

Have another look at your lists. There might be quick tasks you can take action on immediately and cross off, e.g. a phone call you need to make, an email you need to send, an appointment you have to schedule, etc. These will generally be tasks you can complete in under 15 minutes.

Once you finish these tasks, you’ll feel satisfied and happier about what you still have left to do. And when you have free time, you can actually relax and enjoy it instead of dwelling on what still needs to get done.

Schedule time to deal with the tasks you have identified. Generally, a block of a couple of hours as a one-off will be enough. In the future, try to deal with these types of tasks right away so they never get on your to-do list in the first place.

Add Deadlines and Timeframes

The final step in creating an effective master list is to add timeframes and deadlines. Without this, you can’t make the right decisions about how to allocate your time or other people’s time. When you have deadlines, you can plan your time more effectively.

You need to set deadlines for yourself to make sure you achieve your tasks in a timely manner. And when you delegate and outsource, you need to give people a deadline so they know how long they have to complete the task.

A timeframe of, “This needs to be done by the end of the month or within the next 6 weeks” might be enough, but often a more specific, “I need this by 28th of the month” is more motivating.

Write down the deadline either in your diary or on your computer. You might want to set a reminder on your phone if you think you’ll forget. There are also apps you can get to help manage your deadlines such as Alarm and Wunderlist.

Make sure your deadlines are achievable, as you don’t want to put yourself or others under pressure. Don’t set deadlines too far into the future so that you can keep some flexibility in your planning.

Key Takeaways:

  • Don’t accept your to-do list as it is. Question every item on it and either cut it out, assign it to someone else, or get it done quickly.


  1. Quick Win: Look at your Business Master List. Identify any tasks on your list that never get done or that have a consistently low priority. Can you cut these from your list?
  2. Identify tasks to outsource or delegate. What actions do you need to take for which tasks?
  3. Identify any quick-to-do tasks. Plan time in your diary to complete them this week.
  4. Go back to your Business Master List. Take off anything you’ve identified can be cut. Then add in the timeframe for each task that’s left. When you’ve completed each task, you can add in that date.

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