
Module 1

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7

Module 2

Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16 Lesson 17 Module 2 Reflection

Douglas Adams

My dreams are Incredible!

“He was a dreamer, a thinker, a speculative philosopher…or, as his wife would have it, an idiot.” ~Douglas Adams


Lesson 4


In the last lesson, you learned how you can choose your dream. This lesson shows you how you can get past anyone who tries to stop you from pursuing it.

Society projects their beliefs on us daily. This has always been done by the media, but now social media plays an even larger role. Now any and everybody can use their platform to instill their beliefs—YouTube videos, Instagram videos, Facebook, LinkedIn, articles, blogs, etc. Are they lifting you up to your superhero potential?

The Incredibles were asked to minimize themselves and fit in to being “normal” . . . someone else’s normal. Society shapes our thoughts as to what is good enough, and we live our lives trying to fit in that box. What if your goals and ambition don’t fit in that box, or a box period for that matter?  Do you reshape and shrink yourself to fit in the box anyway?


Douglas Adams’ quote brings humor to the whole idea of dreaming, yet encases a powerful point. Regardless of what you can think or dream up, there will always be someone who attempts to put a damper on it.

Ponder these suggestions about how to dream your biggest dreams, regardless of the naysayers:


  1. Develop your own philosophies. When you let yourself consider what could be, you’re building a thought-by-thought philosophy of your own.
  2. Accept the fact that there may be others who disagree with your ideas. Use their negativity to spur you forward to accomplish your goals.
  3. List the subjects that you find yourself thinking about. Look for recurrent themes. For example, maybe you find yourself disagreeing with the politics that your co-workers often espouse. Although you can avoid opening up to them about your disagreement, you can at least identify subjects that hold great importance to you.
  4. What do you think are the most important aspects of life? Have ideas and opinions about things, especially things that matter personally. Dream. Think. Speculate.

Refuse to allow anyone to deter you. Regardless of what others do or do not believe, carry on with your speculations about what your future can hold. Rather than seek outside reinforcement from others, provide for yourself the impetus you require to move forward in creating your ideal life

Develop the confidence to share your dreams by:

  1. Writing down what you’ll say when you talk about your dreams with someone else. Seeing your ideas and dreams on paper will help you focus on what you really want.
  2. Practicing saying it in front of a mirror. Maybe you’ve never talked about your dreams. Familiarize yourself with how they’ll sound by saying them a few times aloud to yourself.
  3. Planning a time to share your thoughts. You can do this one casually so as not to overly draw attention to your desired discussion. For example, you can tell your husband something like, “Let’s have a nice, quiet dinner at home this evening,” to ensure you’ll have the time and the relaxed atmosphere to openly talk about your hopes for the future.
  4. Strengthening your resolve. Tell yourself the reasons why you want to share your dreams with the one you chose. Are they involved somehow in your best life plan? Next, tell yourself you can do this because you deserve to live your dreams.

You’ll encounter those who are sure that you’re crazy for even thinking you could achieve your dreams. Accept the fact that others may not understand the relevance of your dreams to your life, and then dream on anyway.

The Incredibles had to fight for their power!  Your powers have never been revoked!  Use your superpower as it is rightfully yours!

In the next lesson, Walt Disney shares the importance of leaving fear behind when going after your dreams.

Here’s what you need to do today:

      • Have the naysayers in your life caused you to give up on any dreams? Which dreams?
      • Decide today to put those dreams back on your agenda anyway.
      • What can you do today to take a step forward toward those dreams? Take that step.


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